Who should attend: Everybody. This training is for those who are not investing out of fear of losing. This training is for those who think investment in market linked product will lead to loss. This training is for those who don’t know why, where and how to invest. Investment is must for all so no age bar, no income bar and no profession bar
Why you should attend: Everyone is using money and so everyone should know the value of money. Most Indians have a wrong understanding of risk i.e losing whereas in real sense risk comes with more opportunity of gain. Many people do not invest out of fear or invest in wrong product or invest without understanding risk. Money and money management knowledge is must for all.You need to remove your fear and doubt if any.
What will you learn: Risk is a part of our life and has to be managed. Life gives you more opportunity of gain than loss. Losing an Opportunity of gain is also a loss. You can lose only if you don’t understand risk properly. You will learn what are the various risks in investment, what are the factors that causes them, how to analyse risk and how to manage the risk so that you gain and not lose money in investment.
How it will benefit you: Will remove your doubt, fear if any and bring more clarity with respect to investment. Will develop more confidence and conviction in you. You will know how you to invest fearlessly and gain. You will get insight on what product, what approach, what strategies are good for you.
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