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Price: Rs 250 + Rs 100 (Courier Charges)

Who should Read: This book is for every common man as a guiding tool for
investment. It is for every person who wants to be a successful investor. Those who have lost money, those who fear investment, those who think they can lose money in investment, those who don’t know how to create surplus for investment, those who are confused on product selection, those who don’t know how to manage life goals needs (particularly old age) and many more such people will find the book as a perfect guide

Why you should read this book: You invest for gain/return/growth of money but all investments are subject to risk. Return is dependent on risk, but risk is not dependent on return. So before venturing into investment world you need to know the risks in detail and ways and means to counter them. Once you know all types of risks and how they should be managed for successful investment you will only gain and not lose

What will you learn: You will learn about all aspects and risks coming from
yourself, economy, industries, companies, market, various assets (Debt, equity, real estate, gold), mutual funds which impact investment. How to manage those risks and match with yourself to understand what is suitable and why it is suitable for you. You will learn how to manage life goals needs irrespective of whatever financial situation you have. You will learn how to be financially independent in old age days. You will learn life gives only opportunity of gain (loss, if any, is because of our own mistakes). So you will learn what could be those mistakes and how to safeguard from them

How it will benefit you: It will remove any fear, any doubt, any misunderstanding about investment. It will help you have a very happy, worry free investment journey. It can be a simple guide for you and you can manage your own money and investment with full confidence and conviction because most examples are taken from our real life experiences which you can easily judge and correlate with your own life

About Author: Prakash Ranjan Sinha is a well-qualified senior Professional in Finance and Investment with 31 years’ work experience in AMC, Wealth Mgt. companies and Training Company. Has long, diverse experience of interacting, guiding all segments of investors, distributors, professionals, students across India

Appears on Zee Business Channel on Investment/ Personal Finance programs,
videos are on youtube

Who should Read: Lay investors and students who wish to understand personal finance, professionals pursuing financial planning as a career

Why you should Read this book : The knowledge imparted in this book will enable you to understand various concepts in personal finance/money management and you will be able to take right decisions while investing your money

What will you learn : You will learn about basics of personal finance, life cycle, wealth cycle stages, time value of money, various investment options and selection of the best option for you, mutual funds, selection of best scheme, insurance planning, retirement planning and various real life case studies to make the understanding easy for you

How it will benefit you: After reading this book, the knowledge you gain will help you to make your own financial plan.

About Author : Madhu Sinha is Certfied Financial Planner CM (FPSB, USA) Certified International Wealth Manager (AIWM, Switzerland), having 31 years of experience in investment advisory, client handling and training. She has expertise in teaching Financial Planning, Retirement Planning, Wealth Management, Mutual Funds, Investment Advisory, Portfolio Management, Equity and Debt Investment etc.

She is Former Director, Financial Planning Standards Board, India.

Who should Read: Any person who wishes to plan for his retirement, students, working professionals and retirement planners and retired people

Why you should Read this book : Any person who wishes to plan for a very comfortable and peaceful retirement life should definitely read this book. The concepts are explained with the help of live case studies.

What will you learn : You will learn various concepts of retirement planning. Various investment products to accumulate money for retirement and also various products to invest after retirement.

How it will benefit you: You will learn about importance of retirement planning, its need, asset allocation, taxation of various instruments and estate planning. You can learn to make an excellent portfolio which will take care of you during your retired life.

About Author : Madhu Sinha is Certfied Financial Planner CM (FPSB, USA) Certified International Wealth Manager (AIWM, Switzerland), having 31 years of experience in investment advisory, client handling and training. She has expertise in teaching Financial Planning, Retirement Planning, Wealth Management, Mutual Funds, Investment Advisory, Portfolio Management, Equity and Debt Investment etc.

She is Former Director, Financial Planning Standards Board, India.

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