
Are Companies managing their human resources well ?

Are Companies managing their human resources well ?

Most companies run after all sorts of resources – capital , infrastructure , technology, products etc but are they giving importance to the scarcest of resources i.e employees ?    Now a days most businesses have outsourced their thinking to client . Simply put look the needs and demands of clients . Ideas of new product or service now mostly taken from inputs from clients . It is now a days believed by most of the companies that to be competitive the companies have to move from product centric to customer centric . Yes true till its working fine . What if the customer suddenly losses interest in the particular product or company ? Also since now everyone is looking at the same customer to provide some new idea then where is the difference creation .

Companies apart from taking inputs from customer should also create and nurture difference creator amongst employees . More than the stake of customer it is the stake of employees associated with the growth of the company . The more percentage of employee are there as difference creator the more competitive advantage the company has . How many companies in India really support ,nurture and reward difference creator . Every one consider a productive employee who meets the target , adds revenue to the balance sheet or works in synergy with his senior as best employees .

One has to understand that products have life cycle and also customers loyalty can not be taken as everlasting things . One parameter where the growth of employees in their career should also be how much difference creator they are . Difference creator means being innovative , thoughtful, creating impact , bringing change for good etc. Do companies have an effective mechanism of checking human skill , talents and competence or it is just the based on the feedback from seniors ? Training is one of the most less emphasised by many companies . Yes some have their calendar or training units but again its focussed more on product knowledge , soft skills , sales oriented etc . Have we seen any training of emphasising on creation and nurturing of  difference creators amongst employees .

The organisation should develop a culture , system , atmosphere where employees are motivated to be difference creator . There has been so many countries which are much smaller in population than India but we find them technogicaly advanced , producing better products and we just try to ape them or bring them to India.  Are Indians less intelligent than any other nationality in the world ? Why a nation of 130 crore can be a pioneer in industries , product etc . Reason is very simple there is hardly any culture , atmosphere or incentive for being a difference creator . The more as a company , as a Industry , as a nation we start recognising such individuals who want to create difference i.e rather than banking on the thought and demand process of client they are putting their brain ,mind, soul , heart ,knowledge , skills and thinking of bringing something new India will be also producing lots of new products and goods .


If we are the most populous nation then we should also think of leading the world w.r.t innovation in product , process etc . The Indian Engineers , Doctors , Scientist have prospered in USA but why not in India ? Time has now come that every company now look to groom and motivate such difference creator and who knows next coming decades can be all of India .

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